0014 Living Empowered Lives - Victoria Hargis

Victoria works with women to discover their purpose, learn how to access their inner leader and claim their place in the world. She does this by helping them let go of their fear, let go of past resentments and step into their future as impassioned leaders. She is a Licensed Practitioner of NLP, a Certified Hypnotherapist and a Certified Transition coach. Her recently released book, “Raw Leadership: Awaken Your Power Within” walks readers through the steps to experience their own awakening. She has an audio course “Fire Up Your Leadership” to assist women wishing to further their ability to make changes After working with women for the past 3 years I have discovered once women are connected to their purpose nothing will stand in their way to accomplish their goals. They move from living small lives to being able to gain clarity, make better decisions and truly have a life by design rather than default. Women are the missing component in a world gone crazy. Women have the capacity to change the world. and not until each woman hits the turning point where they decide no more, do they begin their journey to discover their purpose on this earth. Once we awaken, we are like the mommabear, ferocious and unwilling to accept anything less than what is right in any given situation. In order to become a leader, you need to clean out the C.R.A.P., conflicts, resentments, attitudes, and procrastinations from your life . Those that you choose to hang on to, are what is preventing you from stepping into your new life.